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Premises licence - variations and minor variations

You can make changes to (vary) a premises licence, for example to:

  • add extra licensable activities
  • change existing activities
  • increase licensing hours

Minor variations

If the change is smaller, you can apply for a minor variation. These include:

  • small changes to the structure or layout of a premises
  • removing certain irrelevant or unenforceable condition
  • extending hours of entertainment
  • reducing licencing hours


  • Full Variation - fee dependent on rateable value of the premises
  • £89 for a minor variation

How to apply

The guidance includes more information on the eligibility criteria, fees and the documentation you’ll need.

Apply to vary a premises licence Apply for a minor variation

What happens next

You should advertise the variation application for 28 days at the premises, and in the public notices section of the local newspaper.

If we do not receive any representations against the application within the 28 days, then we’ll issue the licence.

If we do receive a representation from a responsible authority or interested party, then the licensing sub committee may need to review the application. We’ll arrange a hearing within 20 working days after the representation period ends.

If you fail to comply with any conditions of your premises licence, you may get an unlimited fine and/or a prison sentences of 6 months.

What happens next – minor variation

You must advertise the changes at the premises for 10 working days after applying. If we do not receive any representations against the application in that time, then we’ll approve the variation and issue the amended licence.

If we do receive representations, we have a further 5 working days to consider them and decide whether to approve or reject the application. If we reject your application, we will refund your fee and you may apply for a full variation.